Wednesday, June 29, 2011

George Foreman Grill

A few months ago, we brought home a George Foreman Grill that someone left in our building's lobby area. It had a little sign on it saying it was free. People leave random stuff down there all the time, but this time the pickings were too good to pass up!

It took a while to muster up the desire to use the George Foreman Grill. Seeing as it was owned by randos, part of me was seriously grossed out by the thought of eating food from a potentially tainted George Foreman Grill. 

Eventually, this unease was overcome by an all consuming will to grill.

The first thing I grilled was a black bean chipotle veggie burger. It was pretty good - better than from the microwave. The latest thing I grilled was bell pepper. The George Foreman Grill turned my raw yellow, red, and orange bell pepper slices into beautifully grilled wonders. They looked cool because of the grill marks and they tasted delicious. I can't wait to keep on grillin'!

The George Foreman Grill is making things HOT!
The George Foreman Grill looked a lot nicer before I removed the bell peppers.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I collect shot glasses, so

I wanted a shot glass display case. My collection was originally located on a shelf, which offered limited visibility. For the past year it has been hidden inside various boxes, which offered no visibility. Now, thanks to a birthday gift from Ammu, my collection is located on super cool shot glass-sized shelves, which offer transparent visibility!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I was hungry earlier, so

I bought groceries at Giant. I also signed up for a Giant card. They gave me one regular-sized card and two miniature-sized cards. I would have preferred a giant card. It is what I asked for.