Sunday, July 3, 2011


The Zoo was super crowded yesterday, but the animals were awesome. We even managed to see one of the elusive pandas! Of course, the instant we arrived it turned around and gave us a great view of its rear end as it fled the viewing area. Such sweet creatures.

Just kidding. Somebody needs to whip these pandas into shape.

This elephant was very cool though. At one point he(she?) grabbed a ball from the water and after carrying it around for a bit decided to chomp on it. That resulting in a cool-looking water explosion as seen below!

He'll never forget that moment.

One thing about the zoo is that they are always sold out of pink lemonade. Apparently people LOVE pink lemonade. Go figure. Another revelation I had yesterday was that Minute Maid (yellow) lemonade is actually pretty good! There were even bits of "real lemon" floating around in the bottle! It was CRAZY. Crazy delicious.

Probably looking for Pumbaa!

By the end of the day we were pretty exhausted from the heat. Luckily, by evening everyone was up for watching my new Back to the Future blu-ray. I love that movie!

Enjoying his summer off from monkey business school.